Snack Cakes
As a child, two of my favourite snack cakes were made by a company called Hostess. Fluffy, yellow ones called Twinkies and fluffy, chocolaty ones called Ding Dongs. They also had another amusingly named creation called Ho Ho's. I tend to not eat highly processed and packaged things like that anymore as an adult and my waistline is much the better because of it. I am however tempted by the look of Craig's homemade Moon Cakes, which I thought deserved an equally homemade and hand-crafted logo which could be used for advertising and packaging of these lovely treats. It came as a surprising coincidence to me to find out today while preparing this post, that my beloved Hostess Twinkies are no longer made as the Hostess company recently went out of business. What an interesting irony to discover the replacement offering called Cloud Cakes that have been dreamed up by another famous company from my childhood, Little Debbie's. I see that Craig is going to have some tough international competition when it comes time to market his Moon Pies.
Photoshop and a Wacom Tablet
After many, many years of thinking "Wouldn't it be fun to have one of those tablets that let you draw and paint on the computer?", I finally bought one last year. It was really my daughter Tabitha's interest in getting one that helped encourage me to finally buy one and indeed it was really bought as her birthday present, although she and I both have always known that I wanted to use it as much as her. So here was a perfect opportunity for a bit of computer painting. I sat down with my electronic pen and proceeded to recreate and embellish my original sketches. And here is the result.
are you converted ? what's a mouse ? x
ReplyDeleteYes, I love my tablet. I just need to remember to keep using it more often.