Monday, March 11, 2013

16. The Breakfast Brand

So when I saw Craig's design for an iPhone case, I thought that I should do a little product design as well. Which product though? That was the question. The answer came to me from the name first rather than the product however. I thought to myself, "What is The First Thing everyone does each day?" The answer was simple - breakfast, of course. Or at least having a good breakfast is how everyone ought to start their day.

The New Breakfast of Champions

Branding is a big thing in breakfast and I'm not about to topple the Kelloggs and Nestles of this world. My breakfast products would be more along the style of Innocent smoothies and other similar niche players with a focus on healthier, premium quality ingredients - exactly the kind of thing I, myself like to eat and drink anyway. I also think there is a good opportunity to market "The First Thing" drinks and cereals to all the busy commuters I see on the train on my way to work who look like the ambitious, go-get-'em types that could afford my premium product and would hopefully also identify with my logo playing on the idea of being 1st.

So go enjoy The First Thing smoothies, juices and granola for "when you have a thirst for first".

Sunday, March 3, 2013

15. Lights Camera iPhone.....

So after seeings Rex's video he created I knew exactly what I was going to do. I loved the video but felt it was slightly lacking in audio so needed a soundtrack. So I thought about this for a few days but then realised someone had beaten me to it! 

Rex had posted a link to our blog on his Facebook wall and one of his friends Stu Who kindly added some music to the video for us.

Web less
So after I had decided what I was going to do I was all ready to upload it to the blog and......
Boom no internet. 

I'm currently in the process of moving house and cancelled my internet connection, with my current supplier I had to give 2 weeks notice that I wanted to cancel. I presumed at the end of the 2 weeks they would then disconnect the line. But I was wrong I kindly got informed on the phone that I could get disconnected at any time over those two weeks. Oh well i'm back online now, but it did make me wonder how certain friends of mine would cope if they didn't have access to the web.

I kinda think there are two types of people those that live with technology constantly in their face who will freak out when they're separated from their device, as if their arm has been cut off, and people who feel really chilled when their separated from their device.

Luckily I fell into the latter type of person and wasn't overly bothered by the lack of connectivity as I had a chance to catch up on a few good books and just relax.

The Second Thing

Now Rex's video made me think about TV Shows and how they always have branded products and gifts. So I decided to create a iPhone case. Now i've been trying to convince Rex to get an iPhone for the last year or so so hopefully this will make him change his mind.